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This book will serve as your guide and training manual for living day by day with perseverance the life God has for you.  It is filled with Scripture, testimonies, short teachings and quotes as well as beautiful photos that share this journey message.


journey book cover with tree &


“This is one of the most different books I have ever read. I am thankful for Kim using all God has taught her through her journaling and daily walk. I wish I had had something like this as a new Christian years ago. I look forward to gifting it to others who are new in the faith. And I look forward to going through it slowly myself in the new year, digesting it and allowing God to use it in areas of my heart and life that need to grow in Him, die to self and be strengthened for service. There are 12 sections. I think I will spend a month in each section.”

Sue Smith, missionary, wife, mother and grandmother

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